For comprehensions

For comprehensions

2019, Jun 20    

Now that we know all about map and flatMap there is one more thing that’s very important to know - for comprehension, which you can think of as a “kind of” replacement for a for loop - although you will soon see it isn’t the same.

In short - a for comprehension gives us a syntactic sugar for working with large, sequenced and/or nested computations using flatMap, map and filter.

Without further ado let’s first look at the below example. Let’s say we have two lists of Integers and we want to get all combinations of multiplications on their elements, so for List(1, 2) and List(3, 4) we want a result of List(3, 4, 6, 8)

val list1 = List(1, 2)
val list2 = List(3, 4)

    list1Element =>
        list2Element => list1Element * list2Element

// List(3, 4, 6, 8)

…yikes. That doesn’t look pretty. Thankfully, a for comprehension gives us a great syntactic sugar and makes it easy to rewrite the above as:

val list1 = List(1, 2)
val list2 = List(3, 4)

for {
    l1Element <- list1 // for each list1 element called l1Element
    l2Element <- list2 // and for each list2 element called l2Element
  } yield l1Element * l2Element // multiply l1Element and l2Element

// List(3, 4, 6, 8)

That looks much more pleasant, right?

Expressions allowed in for comprehensions

In general a for comprehension follows this syntax:

for {
    } yield computeResultExpression

Here is a list of allowed for comprehension expressions (sequenceOfExpressions in above pattern):

  • generators (element <- list), think of it as “for each element of list
  • definitions (name =, think of it as a simple assignment, just like val dogName =
  • filters (if (name == "Joe")), well. Just a filter :)

yield is our door out from a for comprehension - this is the only place where your values and expression evaluations from the for comprehension are in scope, this is a place to act on what to do with your result.

For comprehension rules

Now that we know the allowed expressions and what yield does let’s talk about some rules. Let’s start with an important note:

Don’t try to memorise those!

It will come natural (and logical) to you with time.

Rule #1:

For comprehension must always start with a generator.

val list1 = List(1, 2)
val list2 = List(3, 4)

for {
    l1Element = list1(1) // error: '<-' expected but '=' found
    l2Element <- list2
  } yield l1Element * l2Element

// List(3, 4, 6, 8)

Rule #2:

A for comprehension with one generator is a simple map:

for {
    element <- list
  } yield element * 2

…translates to… * 2)

Rule #3:

A for comprehension with two generators is a flatMap followed by map.

for {
    element1 <- list1
    element2 <- list2
  } yield element1 * element2

…translates to…

    element1 =>
        element2 => element1 * element2

Rule #4:

A for comprehension with a generator and a filter is a withFilter followed by a map:

for {
    element <- list
    if(element > 3)
  } yield element + 3

…translates to…

    element => element > 1
  ).map(_ + 3)

Rule #5:

A for comprehension without a yield is a forEach (watch for side effects! not recommended)

for {
    element <- list
    if(element > 3)
  } println(element)

…translates to…

list.foreach(element => println(element))

For comprehensions in real life

Scala for comprehensions become a life saver if you have tasks such as the one below. Given above rules just think what a flatmap-map-filter monster you’d create to compute the same without a for comprehension.

for {
    result <- operation // generator
    result2 <- operation(result) // generator
    result3 <- operation(result, result2) // generator
    if(result3 == 0) // filter
  } yield doSomething(result3) // yield

Let’s see. I’m not going to attempt to build a non-for-comprehension solution but given our rules above we can guess that it would involve:

  • three nested flatMap/maps for generators
  • withFilter for filter
  • map for yield

In real life for comprehension is a great solution for any case where you need sequencing and orchestrating a number of operations. If your solution is a single map or flatMap maybe it’s not worth using a for comprehension. On the other hand if you’re working with a few sequential operations and find yourself mapping, filtering and flatmapping across types like Try, Option, Future or any sequence of those types - that’s when for comprehension will shine.

Let’s list a few usages:

  • making several database requests that return Try
  • making several http requests that return Future
  • computations across a number of sequences, e.g. across 4 lists
  • bootstrapping the application - database, modules, http clients etc. (although you might think of using dependency injection instead!)


For comprehension is a syntactic sugar for dealing with a nested flatMap, map and filter expressions.

(not so) hardcore note

If you ever heard the word monad (and I am sure you did and thought “wtf” - but don’t worry I did too) right here is the first place where I am going to mention it (but without going into details or explanation yet). In a massive oversimplification things that can be flatmapped over are monads (that means a simple Option is a monad too - how cool to know you worked with this (not so) scary stuff already!).

So your (not so) hardcore addition to summary is:

For comprehensions are great for working with and composing monads.